Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hello this is Josh D and Josh W from Room 18 and we are going to give you a quick review of the Christchurch South week and about the Thriller dance that we performed.
As part of the Christchurch South week Broadgreen  Intermediate performed a dance called "Thriller" and as part of the concert. A student in our class called Locky played Michael Jackson while the other 20 kids played the ghosts and zombies along side him. The thriller kids also did the dance at the Broadgreen and Christchurch South disco. When they danced at the disco they had about 10 more kids than at the concert.It was an excellent performance and we know that Christchurch South enjoyed it.       

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Blessing of the Carving

On Friday 14th September the school gathered in front of the school for the blessing of the carving which hangs above the entrance to the front office. At first we sat there silently and after a while we sang the waiata 'Ko Toku Marae Tenei'. Then Tamati did a speech in Maori and after that we passed under the door and gently touched the carving to complete the ceremony. The carving represents us as a school and our spirit.