In Room 18 we have been making Thingamee's. These are our mascots for the year. First we drafted them in our books and then we made them out of plastecine and got the ideas from our books.
(above) Seth's Thingamee Big Daddy V (Above) All of room 18's Thingamees (above) Blake and Sean's Thingamee's Mushroom Head and Mutant Split Lillian's Thingamee Miss Musical (above) Locky's Thingamee D J Rizzle
We are here to talk to you about our Science work in Room 18
On Friday the 5th of June we put 15 eggs in vinegar.
On Tuesday the 9th of June we took the eggs out of the vinegar.
The shell was peeling off the egg.Then we all put the rubbery eggs on top of the bottles and tried to get it in the bottle. It was really hard. The Acid in the vinegar had dissolved some of the calcium in the egg shell,making the egg rubbery.Most of us dropped the eggs. And only three or four of us got the egg in.We went outside because we were making too much mess on the desks and on the floor. We made a huge mess all over the deck. The vinegar the egg was sitting in was a yuck color. Everyone was being fussy and taking forever to get their egg out of the vinegar.
The aim of this experiment was to show how substances put together cause physical changes.
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