Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Respect Comics

Our virtue for this term is Respect, so we made comics to show situations involving respect on Comic Life. a program on the Mac. The teacher let us choose groups, gave us a camera and we acted out the role play and took pictures. When we had taken enough pictures we came back in and uploaded the pictures into Comic life. Then we put speech bubbles in and gave it colour. 
Here are some of the ones people in our class have done:
                  This one is done by Jessica, Kara and Josh.
                 This one is done by Kodi, Darrian and Matt.
And this one is done by Caitlin, Sally and Milena.


  1. The respect comics look great, keep up the good work room 18!

  2. The respect comics look great, keep up the good work room 18.
