Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jelly Bean Results

Kia Ora !!!!!
I am Aden and I'm with Jharn. Were giving you the best of Room 18's jelly bean test results.

Laughlan's team results:
1st time :
When they changed the temperature of the water to boiling hot,the jelly beans turned the edges of the cloth blue.
2nd time:
When they changed the colour of the jelly beans the cloth got more colour added to it.
The prediction that the jelly beans would dissolve was false because they only lost their colour and became a cream colour

Jharn's team results:
1st time:
When they changed the colour of the beans it worked better than last time.
2nd time:
They kept the colour of the six red jelly beans because no matter what happens it will end up the same way.
The prediction was that in the second test the cloth would turn pink and that prediction was correct.

Baylee's team results:
1st time:
When they changed the colour of the jelly beans it turned a little bit blue. 
2nd time:
They changed the type of vinegar but the cloth didn't change colour.
The prediction was wrong. 

Farewell from Aden and Jharn.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Our Jelly Bean Fair Testing Investigation

Hey, this is Jamie and Sanford on the blog this week, talking to you about this weeks science experiments using jelly beans :o
The experiment was to see if we, the class could dye a piece of white cloth using
JB's (jelly beans), clear vinegar, a jar or clear pot of luke-warm water and a white cloth.

It works by filling a jar with luke warm water, then you apply the 'six' jelly beans, either all of the same colour or all different colours. For instance, the picture above has all different coloured JBs. The next step was to add about a lids worth of white vinegar, then you guessed it, add the white cloth.

We did the normal experiment which is seen above, then the second time we
did it, we had to change one variable, like the colour of the jelly beans or the temperature of the water. Now if you were intelligent enough visually, you should have seen a difference but you're probably not, so that's why we did another test,not! We did another test because its a part of FAIR TESTING which is the key to all good science investigations. You could change one thing which you decide on. Now this was where most people saw a great colour burst in their cloths.

We had a work sheet to fill out during our jelly bean investigation to see what we all observed during our interesting but fun time.

Well I hope you enjoyed reading about Room 18's fun week
FrOm JaMiE aNd SaNfOrD @ room 18
Peace Out!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nayland College Scientists, Skeptics, Businessmen and Hippies

Scientists, Skeptics, Businessmen and Hippies.
They all have one thing in common, they came to Room 18 to try to prove their point.
OK, so maybe they were only Nayland College students who had been studying Global Warming but all their presentations were excellent!!!

First the Hippies did a great job of trying to convince us that Global Warming was real and was destroying the planet! Their presentation was based on telling us about Antarctica's ice shelves melting and how there are less and less Glaciers around the world. They also told us the main Greenhouse Gases. As well as that they did two fun experiments! 

Tane marking the waterline                                        The Hippies lighting their experiment.

Next we listened to a very detailed and factual presentation from the Scientists. They had researched the effects of Global Warming thoroughly  and showed us some pictures of the Antarctic ice melting (some cute polar bears included!) and explained how global warming caused a hole in the ozone layer which caused the melting Ice Shelves of Antarctica

The Scientist's way of showing that heat rises!

After that the Business-people set up for their speech. They spoke about the views from a businessman/woman's point of view,  that the environment does matter but money matters more, some of their businesses are kind to the environment as well.
They also did an experiment with dissolving plastic!!!

The magic dissolving plastic!!!
Demonstrated by Jamie and Locky. 

Next came the Skeptics ( dun, dun, dun). They were set on convincing us that global warming is NOT a problem, much less the big deal some people were making it sound like...
as well as that they showed and read a slide show of embarrassing things or things that don't make sense that people who are trying to 'save the environment' have said, that was funny!

Embarrassing Fact No. 1
One of the Skeptic's Powerpoint pages.

Well thats really all that happened with the college Hippies, Scientists, Businessmen, and Skeptics. After that we just wrote our thoughts on and rated the presentations and thanked the students for coming, after all, we had quite a fun time!!!!!

This blog entry was brought to you by: 

Jessica and Kara

P.S Special thanks to the Keyboard, Mouse and Computer.